Monday, January 5, 2015

Where the heck have I been? Well...

Just your regular update: (blah, blah, blah)

I have been MIA for way too long. I’m not going to sit and type that I will be posting a ton; I’m not going to sit here and say that you’ll hear from me 3 times a week even. However, I will tell you that I’m going to try my best to be here more often. The past year has been absolute madness. My hand has healed, by the way, and I usually have no problems with it (only when overworked or it’s really friggen cold). My laptop DIED. I mean the motherboard of my mac just gave up on life and died. So, I have no computer (yay for the library even though it’s 20 minutes away!). I got married in October 2014. In that regard I am so so happy. And the school year has been intense. I keep telling myself only a year and a half, only a year and a half. By May 2016, I’ll be blogging and reviewing CONSTANTLY. I just got to make it there, but it’s been a struggle. I’ll even review my school books if I have to (be prepared for Survery of British Lit and Shakespeare). I just miss this. I miss you all. I miss being in my element. In all reality, I’ll probably be struggling to post once a week (due to not interwebs on my house), but I should be able to do that without fail. Thanks for sticking by me this whole time. I could never repay that. Also, a major sorry to all the reivews that I promised authors I would do. I will do them. I promise. I swear. I have them in a stack ready to go. It’s just taken me a lot longer than I had antipicated. And for that I am truly sorry.

Also, I will be participating in Bout of Books this week. (So excited!) I actually plan on reading some review books during this time as well. I will post a TBR later on sometime. Also, by the way, by moving I now have my own library which my husband and I are currently painting and making pretty. I can’t wait to share that with you all. My website is STILL under contruction so look past weird things. I’m getting there, I’m getting there.

I’ve missed you all so much a freaking ton. <3

Happy Reading!

VF, xoxo

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